Does the Health Library have access to UpToDate?
No, we don't have UpToDate, but we do have similar products. UpToDate includes a collection of medical and patient information, access to Lexicomp drug monographs and drug-to-drug, drug-to-herb and herb-to-herb interactions information, and a number of medical calculators.
Alternatives to UpToDate:
- AccessMedicine
- Contains a suite of over 85 medical textbooks. Includes quick reference guides, practice guidelines, calculators, integrated drug database, multimedia resources, cases, patient information, differential diagnosis tool, and a diagnostic test reference guide.
- AccessPharmacy
- Contains over 30 pharmacy textbooks, multimedia library, drug therapy cases, self-assessment tools, topics in evidence-based pharmacy practice, and an integrated drug database.
- Medscape - requires free registration
- Natural Medicines
- Stat!Ref
If you can't find what you were hoping to find in Up-to-Date in those resources, please Ask a Librarian!
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